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Student Account Services

学生帐户服务的使命是提供最有效和最快捷的服务 学生,教师和工作人员解决财务平衡的方式,同时提供 exemplary customer service.

Student Account Services & Cashier's Office

我们是负责管理365bet资金的办公室通过监督出纳,账户 Receivable, Collections and Perkins Loans. In addition to assessing and collecting fees; we provide general payment guidelines, student fee information, and disburse excess financial aid to students. If you have questions or need assistance related 对于我们办公室的任何功能,请随时打电话,发电子邮件或访问我们!

Students in Browning Lawn
Confirm Your Classes


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The Green Man
Important Dates

想知道付款和确认的截止日期,何时应该收到退款,以及 fee adjustment periods?

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Student reading at the AP Bowl
Tuition and Fees

Need more details about tuition and fees?

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Debit/Credit Card Convenience Fees

你账户上的任何付款(学费、杂费、罚款、杂费等).) with a Credit or Debit Card will be assessed a 2.85% or $3 minimum processing fee and these payments cannot be taken in person, only online. 如果您在我们办公室用纸质支票或电子支票付款,将不收费 check (ACH) on OneStop. For more information, please click the link above. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

We are open Monday thru Friday from 8:00am to 4:30pm. 

我们在艾灵顿大厦一楼,您可以在101-108房间找到我们 and the Cashier Windows are at the end of the hall. 
Please see Important SAS Dates for each term's confirmation deadline.
Please see Important SAS Dates for each term's Bookstore Debit Program deadlines.
Please see Important SAS Dates for each term's refund dates.
为了获得退款,你的课程必须得到确认,并且必须有学分 balance on your account.
  • Log into OneStop. 如有问题,请致电govtech (931)221-4357 (HELP).
  • Select the “Web Self Service” tab.
  • Select “Student” tab.
  • Select “Student Account” link.
  • Select the option that begins with “Confirm & Pay or Enroll in a Payment Plan” link.
  • 从下拉菜单中选择术语,然后单击“提交”按钮.
  • 在“学期帐户详细信息”屏幕上方,选择“Yes, I will attend” or “No, I will not be attending” link.
  • If you confirm that you will attend and do not 当你有账户余额时,你会收到一条消息,“你的注册信息? has been confirmed. Your confirmation number is XXXXXX.”
  • If you confirm that you will attend and have an account balance,系统将提示您支付余额或注册付款计划. Once your 付款处理后,您将收到一封电子邮件确认. ** If you are directed to a payment screen, you MUST pay the balance to be cofirmed.**
  • 如果你表示你不会参加,你会收到一条消息,“你 have chosen to not attend [specific term]. Your classes will be deleted.”

Yes, we do offer an Installment Payment Plan. 

  • No Minimum Balance Due
  • $50 Payment Plan Fee to enroll each term
Fall and Spring Term Installment Plan details: 
  • 在截止日期前支付25%的学费/杂费和/或住宿/餐费
    • 之前期限的费用和不可延期的费用必须全额支付 the 25%
  • 剩余的75%在整个期限内分成3次额外付款
    • Fall due dates: October 1, November 1 and December 1
    • Spring due dates: March 1, April 1 and May 1
  • 如果每个月的5号之前没有付款,将收取25美元的滞纳金 is due

Additional information can be found here

是的,从2020年7月1日开始,账户上的任何付款(学费,杂费,罚款,杂费) fees, etc.) with a credit or debit card are assessed a 2.85% or $3 minimum processing fee. Please see our Convenience Fee page for more information. 

如果您正在使用VA福利,建议您申请一个 VA Fee Deferment on OneStop from the Financial Aid & Veterans Affairs tab. The VA Fee Deferment tells us that 退伍军人管理局的钱来了,会确认你的课程,这样你就不会被清洗了. (在申请延期缴费之前,您必须提交您的VA认证申请).

如果你正在使用财政援助基金(佩尔,希望,贷款等).) and it hasn't paid 然而,检查你的准备清单下的学生经济援助,以确保所有 your financial aid requirements have been completed. Then you will need to request a Fee Deferment from OneStop from the Financial Aid & Veterans Affairs tab. The Fee Deferment tells us that money 会来确认你的课程,这样你就不会被清洗了. 

You can pay online via OneStop 或亲自到出纳员处(艾灵顿大厦主楼).

Please send scholarship checks to:

P.O. Box 4444
Clarksville, TN 37044

Make sure your check has your A # on it. If there are any special instructions for the scholarship, please make sure those are included.


** If the check is made out to YOU and 365bet, you must endorse the check before you send it to us.


Questions about your outside scholarship funds?

Call Becky Kiser at 931-221-7372 or email at kiserr@flcoastline.com 

or Darline Jones at 931-221-1018 or email at jonesdm@flcoastline.com

Please submit your forms via email to: discounts@flcoastline.com

FERPA (家庭教育权利隐私法)保护365bet的所有学生. This form allows 学生授权保密学术、经济资助、纪律和学生 受FERPA保护的帐户资料只提供给指定人士. These 指定人员可以查看学生的成绩,进度报告等 纪律记录,其他与学业进展有关的信息,助学金, and student financial records. (FERPA is to Education records as what HIPAA is to Medical records.)学生可按以下按钮查阅有关指引 fill out the online form on OneStop. If you have further questions, please contact the Office of the Registrar.


FERPA Directions

  • Log into OneStop. 如有问题,请致电govtech (931)221-4357 (HELP).
  • Select the “Web Self Service” tab.
  • Select “Student” tab.
  • Select “Student Account” link.
  • 选择“授权直接存入信用余额(学生)”选项 Refunds)”.
  • Enter your New Banking Information (Routing Number & Account Number).
  • 点击“提交更改”,您的银行信息将被更新.
  • Log into OneStop. 如有问题,请致电govtech (931)221-4357 (HELP).
  • Select the "Web Self Service tab.
  • Select "Student" tab.
  • Select "Student Account" link.
  • 选择“报表/付款/授权用户”选项-它会告诉你 如果您要进入我们的安全站点,请单击“继续”."
  • 等待页面加载,当它打开时,确保您的弹出窗口拦截器是 OFF (the bill will NOT open with the pop-up blocker on). 
  • 在主页上点击“声明”框中的“查看”-应该在中间 the screen.
  • 当它打开时,你会看到顶部(在“Statements”下)有一个区域写着, “Select the Statement to View”通过下拉箭头,您可以选择我们的任何账单 issued and then click "View." 
  • 只要你的弹出窗口拦截器是OFF,那么一个新的窗口将打开,并命名为 “可打印账单”——账单上会显示您的姓名、地址、编号、对账单日期、 bill information and our letterhead. This is your official bill, that can be used for everything you need. 
  • 您可以直接打印账单和/或保存一份副本到您的电脑. 
如果余额是用信用卡(或带有CC标志的借记卡)支付的,则任何退款 账户上的欠款(等于或少于支付的金额)将退还给 the credit card used to pay balance; any funds owed above the cost originally paid 会以直接存款或退款支票的形式退还给学生吗.

You can log into the ePay site by following this link:


家长加贷款,将被释放给家长 ONLY will process AFTER student's direct deposit refunds process. The paperwork is drawn up for those refunds and then sent to Accounts Payable for processing. All refunds will process as a Refund 除非家长已经设立了应付账款的直接存款. You can find the Direct Deposit form here and submit it to the Accounts Payable Office.