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Foreign Language Faculty


Beatrix Brockman

Associate Professor
Email: brockmanb@apsu.edu
Phone: (931) 221-7847
Office: Harned Hall, Room 236

Ph.D. German (Vanderbilt)
M.A. English (Austin Peay State University)
German  Literature

Osvaldo DiPaolo-Harrison

Associate Professor
E-mail: dipaoloo@flcoastline.com
Phone: 931-2217487
Office: Harned Hall, Room 216

Ph.D. (University of Kentucky)
19th, 20th, and 21st century Latin American Literature
Katherine Honea

Assistant Professor
E-mail:  honeak@flcoastline.com
Phone: (931) 221-7117
Office: Harned Hall, Room 223

Ph.D. (University of Florida)
Spanish (Hispanic Linguistics)




Stephen Kershner

Assistant Professor, Classics
Email: kershners@flcoastline.com
Phone: (931) 221-6828
Office: Harned Hal, Room 241 

Ph.D. (SUNY Buffalo)
Latin Literature, Roman Social History, Literary History

Christophe Konkobo

Associate Professor
Email:  konkoboc@flcoastline.com
Phone:  (931) 221-7596
Office:  Harned Hall, Room 213

Ph.D. (University of Iowa)
Francophone Literature and Film

Norbert Puszkar

Email:  puszkarn@flcoastline.com
Phone:  (931) 221-6391
Office:  Harned Hall, Room 218

Ph.D. (Southern California)
German Literature and History

Miguel R. Ruiz-Aviles

Email:  ruizavilesm@flcoastline.com
Phone:  (931) 221-7855
Office:  Harned Hall, Room 104

Ph.D. (Nebraska).
Spanish Literature and History.    
Director of the Hispanic Cultural  Center, Coordinator of the Study Abroad Program Spain.

Laura Schultz

Spanish Instructor
Email:  schultzl@flcoastline.com
Phone:  (931) 221-7594
Office: Harned Hall, Room 105

M.A. (University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee)
Spanish, Spanish-English Translation

Karen Sorenson

Email:  sorensonk@flcoastline.com
Phone:  (931) 221-6246
Office: Harned Hall, Room 142

Ph.D. (Vanderbilt)
French Literature and History

Mary Winters

Senior Instructor
Email:    wintersm@flcoastline.com
Office:  Harned Hall, Room 241
Phone: (931) 221-6828

Master of Arts from Ohio State University

Tim Winters

Email:  winterst@flcoastline.com
Phone:  (931) 221-7118
Office:  Harned Hall, Rm 212

Ph.D. (Ohio State)
Classical Languages and Literature